The mission of our practice is to provide state of the art progressive orthopaedic care to help our patients function at their optimal level.
Our unique combination of continued medical education and extensive experience sets us ahead of the curve in the fast moving world of orthopaedic surgery.
Our practice covers general othopaedics, operative fracture care and arthroscopic surgery with further expertise in adult reconstruction, adult joint reconstruction and joint replacement. The focus of our practice is joint replacement with a special interest in minimally invasive total hip replacement.
From yesteryear Girdlestone’s statement “rather gardening than replacement" to the present outstanding results of modern “high function-low wear” hip replacement, orthopaedic surgery has undergone a fascinating evolution where every generation was blinded (and still is?) by the “state-of-the-art”.
Today we have reached a time whereby the healthcare industry, the healthcare providers and an increasingly demanding patient population, are raising the bar in terms of maximized surgical results, fast-track recovery and cost containment. When compared to their parents, our patients wish to maintain a more active lifestyle through an older age, expect to return to sports or to their activity of choice, and cannot afford prolonged recumbency in hospital or at home. It is no longer acceptable to keep a patient several weeks in hospital for treatment of a closed fracture. Nor is a knee that bends 70 degrees following internal fixation of a broken femur is considered a good result. But that was standard practice in 1970s. Today it makes you smile.
Now, will you believe that both, a hip surgeon and a general orthopaedic surgeon would produce equal results and provide equal patient satisfaction in their hip replacement series? I bet you not. There is strong evidence today that the best results are achieved by subspecialized surgeons working in standardized orthopaedic units. Concentation of expertise will open the way of continuous improvement in surgical techniques aiming at maximizing results and minimizing morbidity.
It is essential, however, while promoting superspecialization, to make every effort to prevent it from leading the practice of medicine within a reductionist framework which holds that a complex system like the human body is nothing but the sum of its parts, and that an account of it can be reduced to accounts of individual constituents.
Reductionist approaches shall be balanced by the concept of holism which refers to the idea that all the emergent properties of a system cannot be determined or explained by the sum of its components parts. Instead, the system as a whole determines how its parts behave.
A holistic way of thinking tries to encompass and integrate multiple layers of experience rather than defining human conditions narrowly. This concept is not new. It was concisely summarized by the philosopher Aristotle: “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
In our opinion, high score patient satisfaction can be consistently achieved through integrative medicine defined as the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines, to achieve optimal health and healing. This should be the target of every Orthopaedic Department and certainly every large medical center.
My Fields of Expertise